We have developed these base training plans to complement the race plans. Whether you are planning to compete in a 5k, 10k, half or full marathon, all base training is essentially the same.
In this guide, we will be using training time as our main metric, in contrast to the race preparation plans which focus on race pace + distance.
We have created a simple plan with a nice progression over 12 weeks.
If you feel that the mileage is not enough, simply add more time to the easy runs.
However, we would recommend you stick to just 1 tempo session per week.
We have also added some important tips that are not directly linked to the plans, but are valuable snippets of information that will also help take your running to the next level.

" I'm in week 4 of base training level 2 (just getting back into running) and am noticing even now improvements in my aerobic capacity (pace is faster during my easy runs with the same heart rate). The structure is really easy to follow, I'm not worried about injury because of the adequate rest built in, and I can even add in some easy swimming as cross training. Also love feeling the changes in my body and overall fitness and look forward to seeing whatever improvements happen in my 5k time (did a time trial before embarking on the program) after this is over, even in not training specifically for that race. " - Dan